Former WWE Tag Team Champion Returning Soon?

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Returning Soon? photo Former WWE Tag Team Champion Returning Soon?

However, they’re struggling to find a star who fits the bill, and it is believed that a return for Carlito could at least give some sort of boost to WWE popularity with the Hispanic audience.

Former WWE Superstar Carlito could be returning to WWE in the near future, according to former WWE creative team member Court Bauer and Mexican wrestling Konnan. For their tours of Mexico, they still draw big crowds, but don’t have that Hispanic star to stand out and really bring in the fans.

Wrestling Inc. made notice that Carlito was released back in 2010 after he violated the WWE Wellness Policy and he refused to go to rehab. Additionally, there are no Hispanic talents now training at the Performance Center. Carlito was known for disrespectfully spitting apple all over his opponents, and had some significant feuds, including one with the legendary Ric Flair. He has been working for his father Carlos Colon’s WWC in Puerto Rico; his last appearance on WWE TV was a year ago at Colon’s WWE Hall of Fame induction.

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