Ohio Ballot Board OKs edited language for marijuana legalization amendment

Ohio Ballot Board OKs edited language for marijuana legalization amendment photo Ohio Ballot Board OKs edited language for marijuana legalization amendment

The November . 3 election includes three statewide ballot initiatives.

The state Ballot Board has signed off on language for a proposed constitutional amendment to tighten term limits, allowing backers to begin collecting signatures to place the issue before voters.

The state Ballot Board adopted edited language Friday for ResponsibleOhio’s marijuana legalization amendment, meeting an order earlier this week from the Ohio Supreme Court to change the wording in several instances that justices deemed misleading or inaccurate. He says he’s glad the court allowed him to keep the word, monopoly, in the title of the summary language.

Among other changes, the panel made clear where marijuana establishments could open and that people age 21 years and older must hold a valid license to grow up to 8 ounces of marijuana plus four plants.

Tri-County Board Executive Director Mark McDaniel noted that the position statement is very similar to one adopted by the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities.

Members did remove one phrase, however, OK’ing a request from former state Sen.

“These were mostly reordering some of the language and adding some words to clarify it”, Husted said. In a piece titled “IrresponsibleOhio: Group Aims to Monopolize Legal Marijuana Market”, writer Jon Gettman called ResponsibleOhio “a cartel” that “wants to take over the marijuana business and use criminal law to enforce a constitutionally mandated monopoly”.

Opponents to legalizing marijuana are trying to convince voters to vote no on Issue 3.

“The Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services opposes the legalization and commercialization of marijuana for recreational purposes. It needed to be changed and today it was”.

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