Marco Arment pulls his popular ad blocker Peace from the App Store

Marco Arment pulls his popular ad blocker Peace from the App Store photo Marco Arment pulls his popular ad blocker Peace from the App Store

YouPlayer can be used to browse and search YouTube, as well as play the videos you find, using any of the video quality levels available.

Keep in mind – ad blocking isn’t “baked in” to iOS 9 – you have to download a helper app and activate that app to turn on the feature.

He suggests that Peace users consider switching to the competing iOS 9 adblock apps: Purify or Crystal and he recommends that on their desktop computers, people use the privacy add-on Ghostery, which Arment licensed for his Peace app. “It could be that developers are still working on it China or that it hasn’t been approved because the ad blockers are basically trackers, which won’t be allowed by the government”, said Huang. “That’s why I publish Deck ads on this site, and why many of my friends and colleagues do as well”, Arment wrote in a separate blog post.

But no one should interpret Arment’s abdication as a blow against ad blocking.

Marco Arment, the well-known software developer whose new ad-blocking app rocketed to the top of Apple’s App Store this week, has had a dramatic change of heart and has abruptly pulled it down.

In other parts of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, ad blocker apps are nowhere to be found in the rankings. It’s likely that the people who rushed to install the new iOS are more tech-savvy and interested in ad blockers than iPhone users as a whole.

Stu Ingis, counsel to the ad trade group Digital Advertising Alliance, says that the recent events have focused more attention on Ghostery’s own ad blocker.

The Peace app took advantage of a relaxation of rules made by Apple in its latest operating system, iOS 9. Whether it will also significantly harm the ad industry and publishers is less certain. “Peace required that all ads be treated the same-all-or-nothing enforcement for decisions that aren’t black and white. But that’ll end soon enough, and that’s better than how I’d feel if I kept going”, Arment writes.

A substantial number of customers of Apple Inc are reporting after attempting to upload the new operating system that their devices are crashing.

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