RCMP’s humorous response to underage party invite on Facebook

RCMP’s humorous response to underage party invite on Facebook photo RCMP’s humorous response to underage party invite on Facebook

When the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Saskatchewan heard about an underage party happening in the area Saturday night, they decided they would help the party goers out.

The Facebook post by the Saskatchewan RCMP took a humorous approach to send a warning to people heading to the frosh party.

RCMP spokesperson Eilidh Thain told CJME news that social media was the best way to educate the public on the charges that can crop up at a party. The cops actually pulled through, showing up chips and salsa.

And they detailed exactly what each fresher attending the so-called “frosh” party could be facing.

The possible charges come with fines ranging from $250-$1050; the most expensive fine for providing liquor to a minor.

“Or you can make the smart choice and avoid meeting our officers!” He said when they arrived, people started rubbing off that message and accepted the chips, which had a note attached saying “stay safe!”

The biggest, gnarliest, most epic ragers usually come together with a flawless mix of Facebook invites, Twitter blasts, Instragram posts and group texts.

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