Google to offer customer match service for advertisers

Google to offer customer match service for advertisers photo Google to offer customer match service for advertisers

“And when those members are watching their favorite videos on YouTube or catching up on Gmail, you can show ads that inspire them to plan their next trip”, according to Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google’s senior vice-president for ads and commerce.

In recent years, the motto inside Mountain View has been “One Google” – a goal to achieve uniform experiences in its products for users and customers.

Meanwhile, Facebook has announced a new service that itself is competitive with yet another platform: Twitter.

Advertisers enter four lines of ad copy that can be used in varying dynamic formats across Google’s advertising properties and networks.

While Google is using information that people voluntarily handed over to a brand – usually when signing up for a rewards membership or subscribing to get emailed coupons – the company seems to recognize that some people may not like brands using that information to target them with ads.

Advertisers will also be able to create Similar Audiences to reach out to new customers on the basis of their current audience on platforms like YouTube. Why has Google been so slow to come around to this?

As Third Door Media’s paid media reporter, Ginny Marvin writes about paid online marketing topics including paid search, paid social, display and retargeting for Search Engine Land and Marketing Land. The service seeks out customers who share similar interests with the customers that are already on the advertiser’s list.

Google’s all-in-one campaign type for Android app developers is rolling out globally.

This is not the first time that Google has leveraged its larger networks in areas like search to promote apps: Google unveiled some initiatives in this space back in May during its big I/O developer conference.

Customer Match is a tool that allows users to upload their list of emails that can then be matched to users who are signed in. The app install ads prompts customers to download and install mobile app. A Google spokeswoman declined to say how many Google accounts there are. And it’s straight out of Facebook’s manual, or something very similar to them.

On Monday, the app install ads will still be offered, but Google will let all developers and advertisers to use their new way of app install add through its AdWords ad system which can connect to audiences across Google search, Youtube, Gmail, Display Network and Google Play app store.

Besides from the two upcoming products, Google is also coming up with a new approach of app install ads. With both new products, Google is stressing, as it has lately, the ability to harness consumer intent when they are close to making a purchase – something that Facebook lacks.

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