Google’s new trick: ‘I’m feeling curious’

Google’s new trick: ‘I’m feeling curious’ photo Google’s new trick: ‘I’m feeling curious’

Google is known for hiding fun Easter eggs in its search engine – but its latest feature might just be the most entertaining yet.

Aside from Google being the all-powerful ruler of the Internet, the company also has a lighter more fun side to it. I mean, what other company has slides which its employees use to get from one floor to another? If you later want to go back to the country-specific site, just clear your cookies.

Google’s new “fun facts” tool lets you satisfy your curiosity.

If you’re feeling a bit bored today, type the phrase “fun facts” into the Google search box… Feel the need for more facts?

Google will keep on popping trivia if you keep hitting the button labelled “ask another question” to generate seemingly endless random facts.

In some ways this is an extension of the I’m Feeling Lucky feature, but with a twist of randomness thrown in for good measure. You’ll never have trouble finding questions for pub trivia again. Dracula’s real name, the name of the guy who invented the tea bag, and the fact that horses have 18 pairs of ribs.

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