Uh-oh – Facebook just made it MUCH harder to avoid Event invitations

Uh-oh – Facebook just made it MUCH harder to avoid Event invitations photo Uh-oh – Facebook just made it MUCH harder to avoid Event invitations

Facebook has added read receipts to events on the site, inching closer to its inevitable future as a dystopian internet wasteland where it is impossible to stealthily get out of annoying social situations. Allowing event creators to know when a person hasn’t yet seen or has seen but is ignoring an invite could help them better plan – or at least prompt them to nudge the unsure friend along.

People will KNOW if you’ve seen the invitation to their boring party – so you can no longer say, “Oh I didn’t see it”.

The “Seen” feature is available in Groups and in Messenger now.

And indeed, it will be known. Facebook users who are invited guests and want to plead ignorance must elect not to check their notifications tab… ever.

Facebook has begun rolling out this “Seen” or “Viewed” feature for several services, including Facebook Messenger and Facebook Groups. If you view it, you’re tagged – unless you install web browser extensions.

Just like Facebook’s other iterations of the read receipts, there is no option to opt out of the confirmations in Events. There’s also no easy way to disable those tags as well.

The addition of read receipts here will give hosts the ability to see who has received invitations and checked updates posted to the Event page.

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