“This agreement is a landmark achievement for VCLF, allowing us to increase Appalachian employment through the reclamation and reforestation of thousands of acres of land”, said Clarke in a statement.
The plan has not sat well with UMWA worldwide President Cecil Roberts.
The union says hundreds of miners are set to rally on Monday afternoon outside the company’s headquarters in Scott Depot. “Their thanks for that is a kick in the teeth from Patriot’s new Wall Street masters”. Some are saving their arguments for a September 16 hearing on approval of the reorganization plan and related sales.
Shirley Hall, of Castlewood, Virginia, said she and her husband, a retired electrician who worked under the UMWA for 37 years, have had to fight for his pension and health care benefits before, and they’ll do it again. “We’ll be back. This is not the end; this is only the beginning”.
Opponents of pipelines delivering fracked natural gas are joining together in Virginia, West Virginia and elsewhere in a show of solidarity.The collective action will occur Tuesday during what is called “Hands Across Our Land”.
“We’re not here in this hot sun today because we like it (or) because we’re trying to be nice to them or anything”, Butcher said.
“I want my benefits I earned that they promised me”, he added.
Under the terms outlined in the agreement, VCLF/ERP will buy the Federal Mining Complex in northern West Virginia, the Corridor G Mining Complex in southern West Virginia as well as other mining permits.
At the time of sale, Patriot’s mining operations and customer shipments will continue as usual.
“In VCLF, we have found an experienced partner who will responsibly manage our remaining assets consistent with the highest environmental standards, and we believe this proposed transaction is in the best interest of Patriot and its stakeholders”. “We won’t just stand in front of your offices”.