AT&T to Bring “GigaPower” to SA

AT&T to Bring “GigaPower” to SA photo AT&T to Bring “GigaPower” to SA

City leaders hope GigaPower will attract the best technology talent to San Antonio.

Ryan is responsible for coordinating AT&T’s efforts to raise awareness and inform customers about the benefits of having access to ultra-fast Internet through the AT&T GigaPower network. The service operates on a 100% fiber network, according to AT&T.

Experts KENS 5 spoke with said the high stakes battle is good for you.

The San Antonio Economic Development Foundation says the way that the city will have fast Internet administration from the nation’s two top suppliers will be a tremendous support to the improvement of new head honchos in the city, a significant number of which are presently just considering urban communities with accessible rapid Internet as possibility for extension.

“When Time Warner steps up their game as well, then we’re looking at Porsche, Ferrari and Tesla!”

The service provider is also going to officially start offering its 1 Gbps FTTH service to residential and business customers in San Antonio on September 28, a market where it will go head-to-head with Google Fiber.

Complementing the rollout of the 75 Mbps tier, AT&T plans to provide over 25 million locations speeds of up to 45 Mbps within the next four years.

Brehm estimates AT&T’s service will not only be the fastest, but affordable.

AT&T continues to make progress in converting more of its legacy DSL customers to the IP-based U-verse platform.

With GigaPower AT&T said you can download 25 songs in one second. A high definition movie would take a total of about 30 seconds to download. AT&T’s commitment to providing lightning-speed broadband access signals that San Antonio is poised to embrace and lead the digital revolution.

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